How to Find the Best Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Queens
Almost every driver has received a traffic ticket at some point in their lives. Usually, we simply pay the fine and forget about it, but in New York City a traffic ticket can significantly increase your car insurance rates. A seasoned criminal attorney can help you avoid the costly consequences of a Queens NY traffic ticket.Go here
Queens is a New York City borough and the second most populous of NYC’s five counties. A majority of the tickets are issued by officers from the New York City Police Department (NYPD), with a smaller percentage from the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority Police (TBTA) and Environmental Conservation Police (NYCDEP).
Best Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Queens: Top Legal Choices for Drivers
While many drivers choose to fight a traffic ticket themselves, hiring a lawyer is often a better option. A lawyer can appear in court on your behalf and is better equipped to conduct a thorough cross-examination of the officer. In addition, a good traffic lawyer is more likely to find errors or contradictions in the officer’s testimony that can be used to your advantage.
The Queens Traffic Violations Bureau is a separate court system from the other New York State courts. Unlike other courts, the TVB does not allow ticket reductions or plea bargaining, meaning that you will have to argue your case at a traffic court trial if you choose to contest your ticket. Having the right Queens Speeding Ticket Lawyer on your side can mean the difference between paying a fine and losing your license.…