Alcohol Rehab and Detox Centers in Charleston, SC

Alcohol Rehab and Detox Centers in Charleston, SC

If you are suffering from alcohol or substance use disorder, Charleston, SC has a variety of rehabilitation and detox centers that can help you. The city’s unique downtown area provides a vibrant atmosphere, and there are also many shops and dining options.

Who benefits from rehabilitation?

Alcohol rehab in charleston programs can be found in a variety of locations across the state, including inpatient and outpatient programs. Some rehab centers offer individualized treatment plans, and others are based on a more general philosophy.

Outpatient programs are designed for clients who have a flexible schedule. They are generally held evenings, and include educational and support services. Many of these centers will also offer interventions for people who are not yet addicted.

A partial hospitalization program provides patients with 30 hours of recovery time per week, and includes individual and group therapy. Patients are supervised by a psychiatrist and receive individual therapy and group sessions.

Residential treatment programs offer patients housing, meals, and substance abuse treatment. This can be an effective way to work toward recovery. In addition, patients in a residential program have a dedicated space to focus on sobriety.

Detoxification is a crucial step in treating an addiction. During this process, the patient’s body will go through a series of uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal from a substance can be very dangerous, if it is not properly managed.

There are several rehab centers in Charleston that provide medication-assisted treatment. Medication-assisted treatment helps suppress cravings and make the process of detoxification easier.

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