I Forgive You For Hurting Me Quotes
I Forgive You for Hurting Me Quotes
In every I Forgive You for Hurting Me Quotes there are times when the person you love hurts you. It could be something small, like making a rude comment or not calling you back, or it can be something bigger like infidelity, abuse or addiction. Regardless of how it was done, the pain is still real and your heart can feel crushed. But forgiving someone who has wronged you may be the most courageous thing you can do.
Holding a grudge only makes you bitter and keeps the other person in power. Forgiveness gives you the strength to break free from the cycle of anger and hatred. These I Forgive You for Hurting Me Quotes will inspire you to let go of the resentment and find peace.
“From Shame to Empowerment: Uplifting Quotes by Brené Brown on Embracing Imperfection
Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad, but you should forgive them because hate in your heart will consume you too. — Michael Jackson
In the end, it’s not about the hurts you receive from others but about how you respond to them. If you’re struggling with forgiving your boyfriend after he’s hurt you, then these forgiveness quotes for him will help you move on.
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