What is a Step and Repeat Banner and Why Are They So Popular?
What is a step and repeat banner and why are they so popular? They have appeared in newspapers, magazines and other promotional literature for years as well. In fact, this very idea was patented in 1974 with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The reason that the USPTO found this method worthy of being patented was because of the obvious benefit to advertisers who could purchase multiple step and repeat banners to get maximum exposure. It is also worthy to note that the cost of creating these banners would be minimal as well since it only requires simple paper, some graphics editing software and a bit of printing equipment in order to print them out.
Many companies find that it is difficult to get their point across to consumers when they are using traditional forms of advertising. This is especially true when the consumer only sees one type of advertisement and it does not have a catchy title like a step and repeat banner. Another reason why many companies prefer step and repeat banners is that they provide maximum exposure for a small amount of money.
Once you are able to understand more about the step and repeat banner, you will begin to see its benefits in your advertising campaigns. In addition, you will begin to see how much money you can save by using them as well. You may even discover new uses for the paper that you are using for printing your step and repeat banner. This is one way to ensure that you are saving money while making your advertising campaigns more effective and efficient.
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